Maquina Epte Inercial Concept

find out more about our training courses or request a quote to acquire this device.

What is EPTE® Inertial Concept?

EPTE® Inertial Concept is sports equipment that allows professionals to work all the muscle groups, with a functional training that accentuates the eccentric phase of movement, which is mainly responsible for muscle hypertrophy. This method facilitates recovery for all types of people. The most effective therapeutic exercise using our inertial machines.

It is the only inertial machine on the market designed specifically for recovery and retraining following an injury and which allows for complete functional training in a reduced space.

Increased strength, endurance and muscle power. Faster and more efficient recoveries. Functional training adapted to each user.





EPTE® Inertial Concept is revolutionizing isoinertial training by:

  • Its versatility and ability to speed up recovery and retraining following an injury.
  • Bodybuilding using inertial exercise.
  • The prevention of injuries.
  • Complete and effective functional training.



With this inertial machine you can adjust the type of loads, movements and work power according to the type of injury. This isoinertial machine allows you to work on the eccentric phase of movement along with the concentric phase, thereby obtaining greater gains in strength and muscle development.

Its design allows you to work safely, with a smooth and progressive return in the eccentric phase of the exercise and to avoid blows or jerks that could induce or cause minor injuries.




Get trained with our programmes

Online course on transcranial direct current electrical stimulation, a non-invasive brain neuromodulation technique.

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Get trained in techniques that you can apply with the EPTE® BIPOLAR System.

Online course on transcranial direct current electrical stimulation, a non-invasive brain neuromodulation technique.

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Terms, conditions and privacy policy In order to process your application to register for the training course we need your personal data. Please read carefully the basic information on data protection and the terms and conditions on enrolment, and accept our privacy policy, legal notice and terms and conditions on enrolment.

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