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Neuromodulation emerges as a model of therapy as well as an option for patients unresponsive to other treatments.
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EPTE® Percutaneous Electrolysis Therapy is a revolutionary technique used to treat various skeletal muscle dysfunctions. It is mainly used to treat early tendinopathies, though not exclusively. Considered an effective technique by a number of clinical entities, it can be quickly applied and helps to shorten recovery times, an important consideration for the patient.
NMP® is an invasive neuromodulation technique that allows health professionals to work directly on the dysfunctional peripheral nervous system, helping to reduce pain in the short term.
Following the evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and dysfunction, the procedure is applied to various neural structures in order to promote changes in the peripheral and central nervous system, by modulating the abnormal behavior of the neural pathway due to the process of the condition.
Transcranial electrical stimulation by direct current, or tDCS, is a non-invasive, painless brain neuromodulation technique that consists of the application of a low-intensity galvanic current to the patient’s scalp in order to electrically stimulate specific areas of the brain.
La estimulación magnética transcraneal, conocida también por sus siglas TMS, es una técnica de neuromodulación cerebral no invasiva e indolora que emplea campos magnéticos aplicados sobre el cuero cabelludo (transcraneal) para modificar selectivamente la actividad en regiones específicas del cerebro. Esta intervención, respaldada por una vasta investigación científica, tiene el potencial de despolarizar las neuronas y se ha demostrado su eficacia en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de diversas patologías.
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NMP® is an invasive neuromodulation technique that allows health professionals to work directly on the dysfunctional peripheral nervous system, helping to reduce pain in the short term.
Following the evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and dysfunction, the procedure is applied to various neural structures in order to promote changes in the peripheral and central nervous system, by modulating the abnormal behavior of the neural pathway due to the process of the condition.