YINGCHI M-100 Ultimate

Maquina TMS M 100 Ultimate

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The M-100 Ultimate stimulator is a high performance advanced magnetic stimulator designed primarily for clinical and research purposes. This device makes it possible to apply the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation technique or TMS, a Non-Invasive Brain Neuromodulation technique (NIBS).

The M-100 Ultimate device applies a focused magnetic field to a specific area of the brain. This magnetic field is then converted into an electrical current in the underlying brain tissue. The aim of the application is to modulate cortical and subcortical structures synaptically connected to the stimulated region.

Brain ultimate TMS systems meet internationally recognized safety requirements, have passed strict inspection standards and are certified.


Protection against overheating

Brain ultimate TMS systems (generator, refrigeration unit, coil) are equipped with multiple temperature sensors that actively monitor the temperature in real time. A key safety feature is the system’s automatic shutdown, which is activated when temperatures exceed 41ºC.


LED indicator of state of operation

  • Device equipped with the latest technology on the market
  • Light and compact equipment
  • Lighter weight coil and liquid cooling
  • Display on the paddle to monitor the power being applied.



How is this technique applied?

It is applied to the scalp by placing a coil that produces the magnetic field and secondarily

an electrical current that modulates brain activity selectively, non-invasively and without causing pain to the patient. This technique can be applied in a single pulse, in pairs of pulses separated by intervals or in trains of repeated pulses at various frequencies. In order to generate neuroplasticity and effectively modulate brain activity, it should be applied



Benefits of TMS.

  • Non-invasive technique
  • Suitable for diagnosis and treatment.
  • Capable of generating evoked potentials
  • Highly effective
  • Significant scientific evidence
  • Improves symptoms of a number of different pathologies
  • Optimizes and allows customization of treatment for a number of different pathologies

Fields of application of TMS

  • Depression
  • Motor and language post-stroke sequelae
  • Chronic pain
  • Migraines
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Motor rehabilitation
  • Parkinson’s
  • Movement disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Attention
  • Anxiety
  • Addictions
  • Other psychiatric pathologies


Configuración diseños Epte Transcraneal
Diseño Kit Epte Transcraneal
Representanción de consulta Epte
Maquina YINGCHI Epte


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