Environmental Policy

IONCLINICS DEIONIC, as a company dedicated to the design, manufacture and marketing of medical devices for rehabilitation based on percutaneous electrolysis and percutaneous/transcutaneous neuromodulation and the distribution and import of transcranial magnetic stimulation devices, electrodes, needles and medical devices for electrostimulation, wishes to contribute to sustainable development, and for this reason it has developed and incorporated an Environmental Management System based on the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 Standard.

The Management of IONCLINICS DEIONIC is aware that, in achieving its economic objectives, the company must not only pursue its own profit, but also take into account the impact of its activity on the environment. This has led to the establishment of the following principles or commitments:

  • The protection of the environment is a determining factor in the development of our activity, which is why we are committed to the prevention of pollution.
  • Management is committed to reducing the production of waste by raising staff awareness and providing them with the necessary means to achieve this.
  • Recognising the importance of environmental protection to other related industries, a document has been prepared to provide information on the environmental protection status of IONCLINICS DEIONIC and to encourage contractors and suppliers of the Organisation to implement environmental management standards.
  • Continuous improvement is established as a fundamental principle of action, with preference given to preventive measures over corrective measures.
  • All employees are responsible for the protection of the environment and IONCLINICS DEIONIC will ensure their awareness and training in environmental issues and the Environmental Management System.
  • The active participation of IONCLINICS DEIONIC staff in the Environmental Management System will be encouraged, and special attention will be paid to suggestions made in this regard.
  • For the development of the environmental policy, the management shall provide the necessary means, as well as regular information on the objectives established for the knowledge of the organisation’s personnel.
  • Management will raise awareness among staff to reduce the consumption of those consumptions it considers most important, as well as actively encouraging staff participation in the research and development of systems that will lead to a reduction in energy consumption.
  • The management of IONCLINICS DEIONIC is committed to compliance with current environmental legislation and regulations, which are applicable due to its activity, services and geographical location, as well as other requirements subscribed to by the organisation.

The Environmental Policy is available to anyone who wants to know about it and is communicated to all persons working at or on behalf of IONCLINICS DEIONIC. These commitments will be updated during management reviews of the system.

General Management, in l’Alcúdia, on 2 January 2024.